What Is Ball Valve? Types,Parts,working


A ball valve is a nifty device that controls the flow of liquids or gases via a pipe. Picture it like a simple yet effective traffic cop for your plumbing. The magic happens with a round ball inside the valve that pivots to either allow or block the flow. When the handle is turned the ball rotates opening or closing the passage. It is like a switch for your pipes. Ball valves are known for their reliability and sudden action. They are commonly used in different industries, from home plumbing to heavy-duty factory applications ensuring smooth regulation of fluids.

What is a ball valve?

A ball valve is a flow control device that utilizes a hollow, perforated, and pivoting ball to control liquid flowing via it. It is open when the hole of the ball is in line with the flow inlet and closed when it is pivoted 90 degrees by the valve handle, blocking the flow.

The handle lies flat in arrangement with the flow when open, and is Vertical when closed, Creating easy visual confirmation of the valve’s status. The shut status 1/4 turn could be in either a clockwise or counter-clockwise location.

Ball valves are durable, Carrying out well after many cycles, and reliable, Shutting securely even after long periods of disuse. These qualities make them an Outstanding choice for shutoff and control applications, where they are commonly preferred to gates and globe valves but they lack the fine control of those alternatives in limiting applications.

The ball valve’s ease of operation, repair, and versatility lend it to extensive industrial utilization, supporting pressures up to 1,000 bar “100 MPa, 15,000 psi” and temperatures up to 752 °F “400 °C”, according to design and materials utilized. The sizes from 0.2 to 48 inches “5.1 to 1,219.2 mm”. Valve bodies are made of metal, plastic, or metal with ceramic floating balls often chrome-plated for durability.

Parts of ball valve

The fundamental elements of ball valve includes:

Body: This is the main part of the valve and restrains all of the components for on/off control.

Seats: These are discs that lie in among the body and the ball. Seats offered a seal between the two and also supported the ball.

Stem: This connects the ball to the external control network. For instance, in a manual ball valve, the stem is connected to a handle or lever.

Rotary valve: he ball is created with a center bore that the media flows through. The location of the ball is controlled by turning the stem.

Power source:  The stem of the ball valve is moved using manual or actuated power sources. Manual actuation plus levers and handles that are controlled by an operator. Automated power sources such as electric, pneumatic, and hydraulic actuation are also.

Bonnet: The bonnet is the part of the body that checks the stem and packing.

Packing: This is a seal around the stem that stops the media from escaping.

Types of ball valve

There are four types of ball valves:

  • A- Full Port
  • B- Reduced Port
  • C- Standard port
  • D- V Port

A- Full port ball valve has an large ball so that the hole in the ball is the common size as the pipeline resulting in lower friction loss. Flow is unlimited, but the valve is bigger.

B- In reduction port ball valves, flow via the valve is one pipe size smaller than the valve’s pipe size resulting in restricted flow.

C- A standard port ball valve is basically low cost but has a smaller ball and a correspondingly smaller port. Flow via this valve is one pipe size smaller than the valve’s pipe size resulting in slightly restricted flow.

D- A v port ball valve “Venturi port” has either a ‘V’ shaped ball or a ‘V’ structure seat. This enabled the orifice to be opened and closed in a more regulated manner with a closer-to-linear flow property. When the valve is in the closed condition and opening is commenced the small end of the ‘V’ is opened first enabling stable flow control at this stage. This type of design needs a basically more robust construction because of higher velocities of the fluids, which would suddenly damage a standard valve.


  • Manually operated ball valves can be closed suddenly and thus there is a danger of water hammer. Some ball valves are utilized with an actuator that may be pneumatically or motor (electric) operated. These valves can be utilized either for on/off or flow control. A pneumatic flow control valve is also equipped with a positioner which converts the control signal into actuator position and valve opening accordingly.
  • A trunnion ball valve has a mechanical means of anchoring the ball at the top and the bottom, this draft is basically applied on larger and higher-pressure valves “say 4 inches and above 600 psi and above”.

Ball Valve Types Based On Valve Housing

The commonly used types of ball valve are as follows:

Welded Body Ball Valves: It is a fully welded valve and does not pass via leakage paths by bolt joints. It cannot be fixed on-site. These types of ball valves are utilized in buried or underground applications where maintenance is not desirable, such as in subsea and gas transport purposes.

All body welding processes are acceptable for construction materials and are identified and carried out according to the same criteria. The non-destructive testing “NDTS” must also be accomplished on the perimeter welded connection of the body.

Side Entry Ball Valves: Assemble each body part after forging. This draft minimizes problems caused by the casting valve. These valves have an easy assembly. Its trim also has a comfort alignment. These types of ball valves have sudden delivery times while casting products requires extra testing.

These type of ball valve where the ball assembles from the side part. Commonly, it assembles in 3 or 4 parts of the body. Every body part assembles with screws/studs, like to connect two flanges pieces. Side entry ball valves are basically made of forged metal.

Top Entry Ball Valve: It is usually manufactured of cast metal. some extra “NDT” testing is required to ensure that the casting process is free from defects. The advantage of these types of ball valves is that their design enables minimal threaded connections and minimizes leakage paths.

This type of ball valve assembles the ball from its side part of the top section. The body of this valve enables the seat and ball to be repaired without dismantling the valve. This is the first need for a larger valve body. It is not compulsory to remove the valve from the pipeline.

Single Body & One-Piece Ball Valve: Single-body or one-piece valves are included in the famous types of ball valves. It has a solid cast body to remove the risk of leakage. It is the lowest type of ball valve. These types of ball valves can not open for maintenance or cleaning. Single-body valves are basically used in low-demanding functions. Single-body valves often have little openings, are relatively cheap, and are generally disposable.

Two-Piece Ball Valve: The two-piece valve Comprises two parts; one part has an end joint and body the second is attached to the 1st part, and the trim is joined in place and includes the second end joint. This valve can be dismantled for inspection, maintenance, and cleaning.
To attach the two parts, it should be completely detached from the pipeline. The inside diameter of a two-piece ball valve is commonly slightly condensed and can be utilized or repaired once.

Three Piece Body Valve: This types of ball valve have three parts: a body and two end caps. All three parts are bolted together. The three-piece draft makes it easy to remove the valve‘s core, Incorporating the seat, stem, and ball, from the pipe.

This enables you to effectively remove debris, replace seats and seals, and minor polish scratches on the ball without extracting the tubing from the valve body. The benefit of this personification is that the valve can be repaired without eliminating the valve from the pipe. Compared to other types of ball valves, these have a high price.

How Does Ball Valve Work?

A ball valve is a shut-off valve that enables or obstructs the flow of liquids and gases in a piping system by moving the ball having a bore inside the valve for 90°. The ball is attached to two seats and has a stem that joins it to the operating and control mechanism that rotates the ball.

They are widely utilized in piping systems. They can be operated manually or by utilizing an actuator. The easy operation of a ball valve is through the utilization of a wrench or a lever manually turned by an operator.

When the cross-section of the bore is perpendicular to the location of the flow, the fluid is not allowed to pass via the valve. Alternatively, the fluid goes out from the valve.

A torque is applied to move the lever arm by 90° either clockwise or counterclockwise to open or close the valve. If the lever arm is equal to the pipe, it single that the valve is open. On the other hand, if the lever arm is not equal to the pipe, it indicates that the valve is closed.

The activity of a ball valve is only limited to shut-off and on. It is not advisable to use ball valves for throttling as they lack good controls for flow rate regulation.

How to reapir ball valve?

Repairing a ball valve follow the some steps and the specific process may depending on the types of ball valve problem. Here are some general guide to help you and understand the basic steps of repairing a ball valve:

Tools & Materials:

  • 1-Adjustable wrench and pipe wrench
  • 2-Pipe cutter or hacksaw “if pipe needs to be replaced”
  • 3-Emery cloth and sandpaper
  • 4-Replacement parts “if necessary”
  • 5-Pipe thread sealant and plumber tape
  • 6-Pipe dope or thread sealant


1-Ismolate the valve:

  • Turn off the all water supply to the valve, If it is part of the larger system shut down the main supply.

2-Release water pressure:

  • Open a faucet downstream from the valve to reduce any pressure in the system.

3-Dismantle the valve:

  • Use a wrench to lose and remove the nut and bolt both sides of the valve. It depends on the type of ball valve.

4-Inspect the valve:

  • Checked the ball and seal for any damage and wear out. If the seal or bearing is scratched they may need to be replaced.

5-Chnaged damaged parts:

  • If you find the damaged part from the valve replace it with new ones. Most ball valves replaced seal and seats.

6-Clean and prepare surface:

  • Clean the ball seal and other all components with emery cloth or sandpaper to smooth the surface.

7-Reassemble the valve:

  • Put the valve back together making sure all parts are properly aligned and tighten the nut properly with the help of a wrench.

8-Apply sealant:

  • Use pipe plumber tape on the threads of the valve to prevent leaks.

9-Test the valve:

  • On the water supply slow open or close the valve to check for proper operations. Checked any water leaks.

10-Final check:

  • During the running time once everything is in order check again for any leakage and ensure the valve operates smoothly.

Advantages Of Ball Valves

The main advantages of these valves are include:

  • Simple to repair: Facilitate entry to the seats when a valve needs repair.
  • Strong: Ball valves excel in sustaining and controlling elevated pressure, substantial volume, and high-temperature flow.
  • Versatile: They are appropriate for a wide range of factory applications where it is necessary to regulate the flow of liquids or gases.
  • Efficiency: Ball valves do not requirement any lubrication, and offer a bubble-tight seal with low torque.
  • Easy to use: Ball valves are relatively quick and easy to set up, and plastic ball valves are easy to handle.
  • Affordability: They can often be bought at a considerably lower price than comparable products for the same job.
  • Durability: They offer a long service life and, when used under the right situation, will provide many years of reliable utilization. Ball valves are less prone to harm than other kinds of valves.

Disadvantages Of Ball Valves

The main disadvantages of these valves are include:

  • Wear and tear: When utilized to regulate the wrong types of fluids, like slurries, ball valves can stick in position and transform into jammed because of suspended particles being trapped. This can problem the valve to wear, or to develop damaged or stuck.
  • Poor throttling characteristics: In a throttling position, the partially uncovered seat may be prone to erosion as a result of high-velocity flows. They are therefore not needed for sustained throttling applications.


1-what are ball valves?

Answer: A ball valve is a nifty device that controls the flow of liquids or gases via a pipe. Picture it like a simple yet effective traffic cop for your plumbing.

2-Why ball valves are not used in steam service?

Answer: Ball valves are not commonly used for steam service because of the potential of water hammer, Which can result in severe damage to the valve or pipe.

3-Where are ball valves used?

Answer: Ball valves basically used in water supply systems, Industrial processes, Oil and gas supply, HVAC systems, and the automobile industry.

4-What is the function of weather seals in ball valves?

Answer: The function of the seal in the ball valve is to stop the dust and moisture or affecting its performance.

5-How do ball valves work?

Answer: The ball valves control fluid flow by using a rotating ball with a central port to either enable or block the passage of fluids in a pipe.



We hope that we have cleared all yours questions about Ball valves. If you have any queries about the “Ball valves” you can contact directly in my contact us page. Thanks for reading.