What is a pump? 15 Types and Working Principle

A pump is like a magical helper for moving liquids such as water or oil from one place to another. Imagine you have a big bottle of water and you want to fill a smaller bottle. Instead of pouring it a pump can do the hard work for you. It sucks the water from the big bottle and pushes it into the smaller one. So a pump is a special machine that helps liquids go where you want them to go.

What is a pump?

A Pump is a Mechanical Device, that is utilized to move fluids by mechanical action, basically converted from electrical energy into hydraulic energy. It is a hydraulic device that lifts fluids from low to high levels and moves fluids from low to high-pressure places.

Pumps operate by some system “typically reciprocating or rotary”, and utilize energy to perform mechanical work moving the fluid. Pumps operate through many energy sources, with manual operation, electricity, engines, or wind power, and come in many sizes, from microscopic for utilization in medical applications, to large industrial pumps.

The hydraulic pump can also be used in processes that need high hydraulic pressure. It can be noticed with heavy equipment. In general, Weighty equipment requires lower suction pressures and high pressures of discharge.
The low pressure on the pump’s inlet side triggers the liquid to rise from a specific depth and the high pressure on the outlet side forces the liquid to the desired head.

Pumps can be categorized into three main groups according to the method they utilize to move the fluid, direct lift, displacement, and gravity pumps.

Types Of Pumps

There are various types of pumps ready for use in the market. Pumps over-simplify the carriage of water and other fluids, making them very utilized in all types of buildings residential, commercial, and factory-installed.

Types Of Pumps

For example, fire pumps supply a high pressurized water supply for firefighters and automatic sprinklers, water booster pumps deliver potable water to upper floors in big buildings, and hydronic pumps are utilized in HVAC systems that use water to supply space heating and cooling.

There are many different pump designs, but the main types can be classified into centrifugal and positive displacement pumps.
Pumps are classified into two types namely DYNAMIC PUMPS as well as POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT PUMPS.

First we will discuss DYNAMIC PUMPS

Types Of Dynamic Pumps

Various types of dynamic pumps are categories, with the discussed of some of the them provide below.

  1. Centrifugal Pumps
  2. Vertical Centrifugal Pumps
  3. Horizontal Centrifugal Pumps
  4. Submersible Pumps
  5. Fire Hydrant Systems

1-Centrifugal Pumps

These varieties of pumps are most commonly utilized worldwide. The work is very easy, explained thoroughly, and carefully tested. This pump is robust, efficient, and fairly cheap to manufacture. While the pump is in operation, resulting in a rise in fluid pressure from the inlet of the pump to its outlet. The pressure variation will drive the liquid throughout the system.

Centrifugal Pumps

This type of pump generated an enhancement within force by transferring mechanical power from the electrical motor to the liquid via the revolving impeller. The movement of liquid will enter the center of the rotor and discharge along with its blades. The centrifugal energy hereby enhances the velocity of the fluid and also the energy like kinetic can be changed to force.

2-Vertical Centrifugal Pumps

Vertical centrifugal pumps are alternatively referred to as cantilever pumps. These pumps utilize an exclusive shaft and maintain a draft that allows the volume to fall within the pit as the bearings are outside the pit. This type of pump uses no filling container to cover the shaft however in its place utilizes a throttle bushing. A parts washer is the basic application of this type of pump.

Vertical centrifugal pumps operate based on the principles of centrifugal force to efficiently move fluids.

3-Horizontal Centrifugal Pumps

These kinds of pumps include a minimum of two otherwise more rotors. These pumps are used in pumping services. Every stage is essentially a divide pump.

All the stages are in a common shelter and mounted on the same shaft. A solo horizontal shaft, a minimum of weight otherwise extra stages can be mounted. Every phase enhances the head by around an equal quantity. Multi-phase pumps can also be single alternative double suction on the first impeller. All types of pumps have been supplying as well as servicing this kind of centrifugal pump.

4-Submersible Pumps

These pumps are also called stormwater, sewage, and septic pumps. The applications of these pumps basically include building services, and domestic, factory, commercial, rural, municipal, and rainwater recycling applications.

These pumps are apt for supplying stormwater, subsoil water, rainwater, trade waste, chemicals, sewage, black water, greywater, bore water, and foodstuffs.

The applications of these pipes mainly include different rotors such as closed, contra-block, vortex, multi-stage, single-channel, cutter, and otherwise grinder pumps. For various applications, there is a mass selection is common which includes high flow, low flow, low head, and otherwise high head.

5-Fire Hydrant Systems

Fire hydrant pump systems are also called hydrant boosters, fire pumps, and firewater pumps. These are very high-force water pumps intended to improve the capacity of firefighting construction by growing the force within the hydrant service as mains are not sufficient. The applications of this system generally include irrigation as well as water movement.

Positive Displacement Pumps

ositive Displacement Pumps

These are the 10 types we discussed one by one blow:

  1. Rope pump
  2. Plunger pumps
  3. Piston pump
  4. Peristaltic pump
  5. Flexible impeller pump
  6. Gear pump
  7. Diaphragm pump
  8. Rotary lobe pump
  9. Screw pump
  10. Progressive cavity pump

1-Rope Pump

These pumps can be manufactured from very simple materials: A rope, a wheel, and a PVC pipe are enough to make a simple rope pump. The efficiency of the rope pumps has been studied by grassroots organizations and the techniques for manufacturing and running them have been constantly enhanced.

2-Plunger Pumps

Plunger pumps are oscillating positive-displacement pumps. These comprise a cylinder with an alternating plunger. The suction and emit valves are fixed in the head of the cylinder. the plunger withdraws and the suction valves open prompting the suction of fluid into the cylinder.

A lot of energy is squandered when the fluid is sped up in the piping system. Oscillation and water hammers may be a critical problem. the problems are recompensed for by utilizing two or more cylinders not working in stage with each other.

The plunger forces the liquid out through the discharge valve. Effectiveness and Typical Issues: With only one cylinder in plunger pumps, the fluid flow fluctuates between maximum flow when the plunger flows through the middle positions and no flow when the plunger is at the end extremities.

3-Piston pump

Piston pumps are one type of positive displacement pump wherever the high-force seal responds via the piston. These pumps are frequently utilized in water irrigation, situations necessitating elevated, reliable pressure, and delivery systems for transferring chocolate, paint, and pastry.

Fire pumps supply a hurried water supply for automatic irrigators and firefighters, and amplifier pumps supply clean water to higher floors in buildings.

This is all about the classification of pumps like centrifugal and positive displacement. These are used in different kinds of apartments to move liquid materials. The pumps that are utilized in housing and business-oriented can handle water.

4-Peristaltic Pump

Peristaltic pumps are also called tube pumps, or peristaltic pumps. These are types of positive displacement pumps and the applications of these pumps commonly involve in processing of chemical, food, and water treatment in factories.

It produces a stable flow for measuring and blending and is also able to pump types of liquids like toothpaste and all types of chemicals.

5-Flexible Impeller Pump

These pumps utilize pressure created by gas. In some impulse pumps the gas trapped in the liquid, is unleashed and gathered somewhere in the pump, generating pressure that can push part of the liquid up direction.

Traditional impulse pumps encompass:

  • Airlift pumps – run on air embedded into the pipe, which exerts the water up when bubbles displace upward
  • Pulser pumps – run with environmental assets, by kinetic energy only.
  • Hydraulic ram pumps – kinetic energy of a low-pressure water supply is stored briefly in an air-bubble hydraulic accumulator, then utilized to drive water to a higher head.

Alternatively in a gas gathering and releasing cycle, the pressure can be formed by burning hydrocarbons. Like combustion-driven pumps directly broadcast the impulse from a combustion event via the actuation membrane to the pump fluid.

To enable this direct transmission, the pump is required to be almost entirely made of an elastomer. The combustion causes the membrane to enlarge and thereby pumps the fluid out of the adjoining pumping chamber.

6-Gear Pump

A gear pump does not contain any valves to trigger losses like friction and also high propeller velocities. So, this pump is harmonious with handling thick liquids such as fuel as well as grease oils. These pumps are not capable of driving solids as well as harsh liquids.

These pumps are a type of rotating positive dislocation pump, which means they force a steady amount of liquid for every revolution. These pumps shift liquid with machinery approaching inside and outside of the mesh to make a non-exciting pumping act. These pumps can pump on high forces and excel at pumping high-thickness fluids efficiently.

7-Diaphragm pump

Diaphragm are also called as “AOD” pumps (air-operated diaphragms), pneumatic, and AODD pumps. The applications of these pumps chiefly include continuous applications such as in general plants, industrial, and farming.

Air-operated diaphragm are specifically employed where power is not accessible, alternatively in unstable and flammable regions. These pumps are also used for transferring chemicals, food manufacturing, subterranean coal mines, etc. These pumps are reacting pumps and include two diaphragms that are propelled with condensed air.

8-Rotary Lobe Pump

These provide different characteristics such as excellent high efficiency, rust resistance, hygienic good qualities, and reliability. These can handle high-thickness fluids and solids without hurting them.

The working of these can be associated with gear pumps, Separated from the lobes which do not come into connecting. Extra, these have better pumping rooms compared with gear pumps that enable them to move slurries. These are manufactured with stainless steel and are excellently polished.

9-Screw Pump

These are a more involved kind of rotary pump that utilized two or three screws with opposing threads. One screw turns clockwise and the other anticlockwise. The screws are fixed on parallel shafts that have gears that mesh so the shafts move together and everything stays in place.

The screws move on the shafts and drive fluid via the pump. As with other forms of rotary pumps, the clearance between moving parts and the casing is minimal.

Progressive Cavity pump

Globally utilized for pumping difficult materials, like sewage sludge contaminated with big particles, this consists of a helical rotor, regarding ten times as long as it is width. This can be visible as a central core of diameter x with, basically, a curved spiral wound around of thickness 1/2 x, via in reality it is fabricated in a single casting.

This shaft fits a heavy-duty rubber sleeve, of wall thickness also basically x. As the shaft moves, the rotor slowly forces fluid up the rubber sleeve. like pumps can improve very high pressure at low volumes.

How Does Pumps Work

Pumps work by producing a vacuum in which atmospheric air pressure forces the liquid. All are worked by generating areas of low pressure. In a centrifugal pump, centrifugal force speeds up the water to the outside of the impeller producing low pressure at the eye or center of the equals.

With reciprocating pumps, the upstroke of the plunger or piston produces a vacuum. The pressure varies creating suction. A liquid under big pressure will move to an area of little pressure.

Working Principle

A pump is a mechanical device, that is utilized to pick up water from a low-pressure level to a high-pressure level. The pump converted the energy flow from mechanical to fluid. This can be utilized in process operations that require a high hydraulic force.

This method can be observed within heavy-duty equipment. This equipment requires low suction and high discharge pressure. Due to low force at the suction part of the pump, the liquid will pick up from a certain downside, but at the expulsion side of the pump with a bigger force.

Common Pumps Terminology

  • A-Preassure: The force exerted on the walls of a container ( tank, pipe, etc.) by the liquid.
  • B- Flow Rate: Is the volume of fluid which passes per unit of time, usually represented by the Q.
  • C- Head: A measure of work, expressed in feet.
  • D- Density: The density of a liquid is its mass per unit of volume and is usually expressed as pounds per gallon.
  • E- Specific Gravity: The ratio of the density of a fluid to that of water at standard conditions.

Pumps Maintenance What To DO

Some basic maintenance point discussed blow:

  • Look around the pump, do you see leakage. If so what is leaking, oil pumpage, is the fluid dripping or spraying.
  • Generally speaking pumps applied to an application correctly. will perform a long time if they are maintained.
  • Do not assume that the pump that was replaced, is the same as the original. Follow the paper trail, do you have the information as it was originally designed.
  • Valve in the correct position, are they broken, stuck partially closed.
  • Is the pump cavitating, what does the sound tell you, bearing or cavitation, there is a difference between a dry bearing and a cavitating pump.
  • Is there a basket strainer in the suction line, usually that will show up as a low pressure indication, in the suction side of the pump.
  • How often do you check lube oil, grease bearing, how much grease do i use, lubrication intervals, too much grease, not enough grease.

Advantages Of Pump

These are some advantages of the Pump:

  • Fluid Transport
  • Pressure Boosting
  • Versatility
  • Automation
  • Efficiency
  • Circulation
  • Chemical Processing
  • Wastewater Management
  • Mining Operations
  • Oil and Gas Industry
  • Emergency Response
  • Agricultural Irrigation

Disadvantages Of Pump

These are some disadvantages of the Pump:

  • Energy Consumption
  • Maintenance Requirements
  • Noise and Vibration
  • Cavitation
  • Environmental Impact
  • Initial Cost
  • Limited Efficiency Range
  • Space Requirements
  • Fluid Compatibility
  • Complex Control Systems


1-What is a pump?

Answer: A Pump is a Mechanical Device, that is utilized to move fluids by mechanical action, basically converted from electrical energy into hydraulic energy.

2-Why priming is required?

Answer: These are not capable of pumping air or vapors because centrifugal force developed by air is not sufficient to lift water from the suction side, because the density of air is approximately a thousand times less than water, therefore, priming is required in the pump.

3-What is a pump head?

Answer: The head is the height up to which a pump can pump water. and it is denoted by (H). The height measured from the suction level to the center of the pump is called the suction head. The height measured from the center of the pump to the discharge point is called the discharge head.

4-What is discharge in the pump?

Answer: Discharge means the volume of water that a pump can pump in a unit interval of time. It is denoted by (Q) and measures in m3/hr or liter/min.

5-What do you mean by the multi-stage centrifugal pump?

Answer: Centrifugal pumps having two or more than two impellers are called multi-stage centrifugal pumps.

6-What happens when pumps in parallel are used?

Answer: Discharge will add and increase but head remains constant.

7-Explain multistage pump having an impeller in series?

Answer: A number of impellers are mounted in a single shaft as a result high pressure and high head are obtained.

8-What is the mechanical seal in the pump and why it is used?

Answer: A mechanical seal is a mechanical part of the pump and is used to arrest leakage near the rotating shaft and fixed impeller casing.

9-What will happen if air there is a leak?

Answer: Pumps take air and stop pumping water and if it runs continuously heat is generated and may result in damage.


We hope that we have cleared all yours questions about the pumps. If you have any queries about the “PUMPS” you can contact directly in my contact us page. Thanks for reading.

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