Expanded Metal machine Installing & operating with Pictures


An “Expanded Metal Machine” is a tool that plays a role, in producing expanded metal sheets, which find wide applications across various industries due to their versatility. The individuals responsible for operating and maintaining this machine hold importance in ensuring its performance.

Here’s an overview of how the machine operates; by inserting a sheet of metal into the machine it utilizes tools to cut and stretch the metal resulting in a mesh like pattern with openings of various shapes and sizes. The machine allows for customization enabling users to create patterns according to requirements.

The operators of the Expanded Metal Machine must possess expertise in utilizing it ensuring its maintenance and prioritizing safety measures. Their skills are indispensable in guaranteeing that the produced expanded metal sheets adhere, to industry standards while upholding quality.

In essence an Expanded Metal Machine serves as a tool when working with metal materials with its efficient functioning relying on the individuals who operate it and ensure top notch output of high quality metal sheets. Discuss blow how to install and operate step by step:

Transport Of Expanded Metal Machine

Take care, that this machine has to be transported only in upright position!

After unpacking the machine and removing the two side coverings on the top of the machine. Than the machine has to be lifted by means of ropes at the existing eye hooks and transported to the place of installation. you can see the pictures blow

Expanded Metal machine

Cleaning And Installation Expanded Metal Machine

At the place of installation the machine has to be cleaned thoroughly from slashing oil. This has to be done preferably by using a clean and dry cloth, without any solvents. The machine has to be placed and fixed on the well hardened and absolutely level foundation. Use the lower die holder as guidance for levelling the machine.

Foundation And Space Requirement

The foundation should have a minimum thickness of 300 mm. The vibrations of the machine have to be absorbed by vibration absorbers or respective foundation inlays out of rubber.

Refer to the attached foundation layout.

The overall sizes of the machine are:

  • Length: = 1360 mm + 5000 mm for the material in feed table, fastened
    with screws bolted down to the floor on Aluprofiles with rubber under. – Width: = 3970 mm – Height: = 3050 mm
  • Weight: = 14900 kg
  • M. No.: = 2443

Pneumatical Connection OF Expanded Metal Machine

The Expanded Metal machine is installed ready for pneumatic connection.

The pneumatic connection is located at the left side of the switchgear cabinet. The pneumatic air supply line must have a minimum inner diameter of 9 mm and a pressure of 8 bar.

Should the air pressure fall below 4,5 bar, the compressed air control device
(7 S1) switches off the machine. The red pilot lamp “Air Pressure too low”
(7 H1) lightens.

The pneumatic main lead has to be connected to the distributor (main valve) at the left side of the switch cabinet (min. press power 8 bar).draining valve of the pressure tank (814). The pressure tank is located in the top of the machine.

The pneumatic connection to the machine is inside the switch cabinet.
The pneumatic distributor box is inside the machine. The single pressures are adjusted. Values can be seen in the pneumatic diagram SP 2500 lnt.

Electrical Motor Connection Of Expanded Metal Machine

Please install the motor cables PE,1,2,3 – 4,5,6,PE .
The colour sequence is as follows: Please check the turning direction of the main drive. Wrong turning can have serious damage on the mechanical systems ! . Foir you easy control have a look at the belt of the die shifting system:The belt of the indexing gearbox has to move in the way the arrow shows.

Electrical Control Power Connection

Please install the 2 respective 8-plugs as shown on the Photo:

Electrical Main Power Connection

The Expanded Metal machine is installed ready for electrical connection.
First of all you have to wire the mains supply min. (4 x 95 mm² for 400 V) for the machine at the terminals marked PE L1, L2, L3 of the terminal board 1Q1 and to protect with 250 Amperes. The supplies have to be led through the screwed cable gland at the switch cabinet to the terminal board and fuses.

You have the right phase sequence when, after:

  1. switching on main switch
  2. switching on key switch
  3. Close feeding rolls
  4. Press pressure key “Reset”
  5. Press “Start main drive”
    The main drive of the machine starts turning.
    With wrong phase sequence
    The main drive will not start and the Light ”Trouble Frequency inverter” will flash. Voltage fluctuations of +/- 5 % are permissible

The Expanded Metal machine is ready to run with a right phase sequence !

The correct direction of rotation has to be checked by short switching on the machine: The correct direction of rotation is marked on the flywheel / clutch. If the direction is not correct, you have to change 2 phases at the main switch The voltage values on the machine plate have to be observed in any case. Otherwise we cannot give any guarantee for correct operating of the machine.
Voltage tolerances of +/- 5 % are permissible.

Description of the single parts inside the switchgear cabinet.

The switchgear has an integrated climate control unit. For hot Countries it will keep the temperature in a convenient and safe level not to harm the electric components inside the cabinet.

This is the Roland electronic edge sensor. This system recognizes the end of one raw material sheet and activates the automatic production flow.

Main drive inverter Siemens. Responsible for the speed adjustment of the machine. ( + and – Buttons ).

Servo driver for the cutting depth adjustment and the feeding gearbox drive.

Feeding unit for the material feeding (Strand)).

PLC unit and internet Evon unit.

Description Of the Single Parts At The Machine

Material recognition Sensor (green). Responsible for the stopping of the machine after the last sheet of not starting the feeding unit if no material is recognized.

Machine plate blow

This information is necessary when ordering spare parts or necessary.

Siemens main drive, located on top of the machine blow picture

Blow picture is Main ram returner springs. Located in the upper part of the machine.

Starting And Operating The Machine

By switching on the main switch and key switch the machine has
operating and control voltage ( control on ).

As you can see the picture blow.

The machine is mainly controlled through the touch panel which is located at the HID Terminal.

The single functions are depicted at the respective buttons.

  • Drive on – Starts main drive in low speed.
  • Drive off – Stops main drive.
  • Speed (+) – Increases speed of main drive.
  • Speed (-) – Decreases speed of main drive.
  • Clutch start – activates clutch and main ram begins to move.
  • Clutch stop – deactivates clutch and activated brake – main ram will stop.
  • 1-0-2 Switch: 1- manual cut off, 0 = working position, 2 – no feeding.

Eject material: Ejects the rest strip of the last plate out of the front of the machine. ( Take care that nobody it hit by the material ). DANGER

Fully Automatic Electrical Cut – Off equipment Expanded Metal Machine

Adjusting the sheet counter / calculator

The mesh counter is adjusted by the touch screen. This function allows to cut single pieces after a designated number of strokes.

In “sheet length” you will put in the length of your RAW MATERIAL sheet. The “SWD” field will be filled with the exact SWD value you have adjusted. “Number of meshes” is the no. of meshes per expanded metal sheet you intend to produce.

For example: Expanded metal sheet : 1000 mm
SWD 20 mm
No. of meshes = 1000/20 = 50 meshes.

Pulsed feeding = value of the strand width in [mm].
Number of sheets: No. of sheets together / welded connection.

If you want to produce several sheets of the same length it is advisable to use the sheet counter.

Adjusting The Cutting Depth:

The cutting depth is adjusted by the touch screen.

1.) Independently for left and right side.
2.) Together for left and right side.

Simply by pushing the button in the correct direction. The values will change accordingly.

Insertion Of Raw Material Expanded Metal Machine

Feed the raw material only when the machine stands still !

The geared advance feed rolls allow processing coil and sheet material.

Before placing the metal sheets or coils on the infeed table, adjust the left and right guiding which are installed on the table to the respective sheet or coil width. Adjust the guides to be approx. 2 mm wider than the raw material width in order to ensure that it can be moved and will not be jammed between the guides. Be sure to produce in the center of the machine width.

In order to open the feed rolls actuate the press button “Advance feed rolls . Now you can feed the raw material through the feed rolls as far as to touch the lower die but not more. By pressing the button “Advance feed rolls ” the feed rolls are closed again.

Adjustment Of The Cutting Depth ( manual version ) Expanded Metal Machine

By adjusting the cutting depth you can make the following:

  • Alteration of the SWD within certain limits.
  • Removal of undulations

Cutting depth is adjusted by moving two conical shaped blocks, which are situated between eccentric shaft bearing and main ram.

The cutting depth is adjusted by turning the spindles which are situated on the right side of the casing.

Clockwise turning of the spindles increases the cutting depth, anti- clockwise reduces cutting depth.

It is also possible to change the cutting depth at one side only. By means of this conical expanded metal can be produced.

The adjustment of the cutting depth has effect on the SWD value of the produced meshsize. Deeper cutting will result a bigger SWD. Higher cutting adjustments will reduce the SWD value.

Please note that the range of the SWD adjustment is limited by the upper die you use and can only be changed in small values only.

Adjustment Of The Die Movement Of Expanded Metal Machine

The upper dies consist of several sections and are screwed on the die holder. The die holder is moved sideways with each stroke by the eccentric drive (see pict.) in connection with a die movement gearbox.

The adjusting eccentric of the die movement (see pict.) moves the die holder for 1/4 of the pitch. This causes the installed pitch (LWD).

Adjust The Adjusting Eccentric As Follows

  • stop machine in the upper dead point. Adjusting eccentric must now be in the position as shown in the picture below. If not, you have to run the machine for 360°. Therefore Use the jogging switch.
  • loosen lock nut
  • adjust the adjustment screw with the arrow according to the mark of the adjustment scale
  • retighten locknut
  • produce a sample sheet with the needed number of strokes, re-adjust if necessary (if the knot point is not exact).

Disassembling And Assembling Of Upper Die

  • Run the machine to the upper dead point so that you can seethe adjustment screws of the adjusting eccentric.
  • Withdraw fastening screws of the adjusting eccentric
  • Slide out carefully the die holder at the bar without jamming.
  • Unscrew the single die segments and clean the die holder.
  • Turn or re-grind the single die segments.
  • Assembling in reverse sequence.

Disassembling And Assembling Of Lower Die

  • Put the machine into the upper dead point
  • Adjust the output plate into horizontal position with upper and lower spindles
  • Extend the safety stoppers.
  • Loosen and take out the lower knife fastening screws
  • Take out lower knife
  • Clean lower knife holder
  • Turn lower knife and fasten again with the fastening screws.
  • Loosen fastening screws of the lower knife holder.
  • Turn back pressure screws of lower knife holder (-)
  • Tighten tension bolts of lower knife holder (+) so that the lower knife holder is drawn backwards.
  • Now there should be sufficient clearance between upper dies and lower knife
  • Adjust the die clearance (see chapter 10.3)

Adjustment Of the Die Clearance

For preparing the adjustment of die clearance:

  • Toggle switch “Main Ram Air“ on position “2“
  • Ram lifts slowly (air escapes out of the air springs)
  • When the upper die is in cutting position, put toggle switch to position “1“

Adjustment of die clearance:

  • Loosen slightly the fastening screws of the lower knife holder
  • Loosen tension bolts of lower knife holder
  • Draw the lower knife holder to the upper die with the pressure screws for lower knife holder
  • Now adjust the required die clearance by using the tension bolts and pressure screws of the lower knife holder
  • The die clearance should be approx. 4 % of the sheet thickness to be processed
  • Retighten well the fastening screws of lower knife holder
  • Toggle switch “Main Ram Air” back to position “0”
  • Produce a sample

Instruction For Maintenance And Lubrication Of Expanded Metal Machine

All rotating parts of our machines are supported on sufficient dimensioned roller and/or ball bearings. All in all there are 45 grease nipples at the machine which have to be maintained from time to time.

The most important ones are located at:

  • Main ram guidings
  • Main eccentric bearings
  • All bearings for turning
  • Spindles for cutting depth adjustment
  • We recommend to clean the machine thoroughly once a week. The side doors have to be opened.
  • Check the V-belt on correct tension. If necessary readjust.
  • The main ram is guided by bronze sliding pads and wearing plates so that
  • readjustment will be necessary after 3 months at the earliest.

If you notice during maintenance works a clearance between main ram and guides, readjust as follows:

Loosen the adjustable guides only a little so that the adjustment screws can be moved. After adjustment there should be a clearance of 0,05 mm.

Once a month the pressure tank should be de-watered. If there are great fluctuations of temperature and humid climate, you have to check weekly. Please observe chapter 3.

Lubrication Schedules Of Expanded Metal Machine


  • The die holder is lubricated several times a day by a centralised lubricating system (EP 220 ESSO or equivalent)
  • If necessary, the lubricating intervals (= after a certain number of strokes ) can be adjusted shorter or longer.
  • See also attached manual for the VOGEL-Lubricating-System.


  • grease (Mobilgrease HP 222 or equivalent) the main ram guides


  • grease (Mobilgrease HP 222 or equivalent) the gears, bearings and chain wheels of
  • advance feed rolls and chain drive for reversing shaft,
  • eccentric shaft, intermediate shafts, counter shaft
  • universal joint shaft of the cutting depth adjustment

After about 3000 working hours – at the latest after 1 year – the main drive oil has to be exchanged by a good quality oil (approx. 25 litres -ESSO Quality GX -D/SAE80 or equivalent).