Cam And Follower: Definition, Types, Mechanism & Terminology


This blog will take an in-depth look at Cam And Follower. The blog will bring more detail on topics such as:

  • What Is A Cam And Follower?
  • Types Of Cam
  • Types Of Follower
  • Application Of Cam And Follower
  • What Is Cam Mechanism?
  • Cam And Follower Terminology
  • Related FAQ’S
  • And Much More…….

What Is A Cam And Follower?

The cam and follower mechanism consists of a profile shape mounted on the shaft that drives the lever or follower. A Cam and follower are used to convert rotary motion into linear (reactive) motion. As the cam rotates, fans rise and fall in a reciprocal motion.

A cam is a reciprocating, oscillating, or rotating body that allows the reciprocating or oscillating motion of a second body, called a follower, that interacts with it, with which the shape of the interacting cam is suspended by itself motion, the movement of the follower expected to move, and on its shape the interactive face of the follower.

The working principle of Cam and Followers is based on the way Cam and Followers are combined.

Types Of Cam And Follower

Types Of Cam

There are many kinds of cams described below:

1-Disk or Plate cam
2-Cylindrical cam
3-Translating cam
4-Wedge cam
5-Spiral cam
6-Heart-shaped cam
7-Conjugate cam
8-Globoidal Cams
9-Spherical cam

1-Disk or Plate cam

The wheel (or plate) cam has an irregular contour that allows the followers to deliver specific movements. The followers rotate in a plane along the axis of rotation of the camshaft, and are in contact with the cam by spring or gravity

2-Cylindrical cam

To give the pursuer a specific movement, the kill cam has a square, flat, regular contour.

3-Translating cam

The spiral cam is semi-round or spiral forming the Grooved contour, the cam movements in reciprocal motion and the fans pass perpendicular to the axis of the cam.

Translating cam

4-Wedge cam

A groove is cut in the circular surface of the cylindrical cam. The roller follows the groove & the follower movement in a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the cylinder.

5-Spiral cam

This cam looks like an irregular heart. It is mainly utilized to restore the shaft back to hold the cam in a set position by its pressure from the roller.

6-Heart-shaped cam

A translator cam is a contoured or grooved plate that slides against the guide surface(s). The player may sway or retreat. The shape or shape of the groove is determined by the specified player movement.

7-Conjugate cam

In these types, the two wheels are coupled together and the wheel axles are separated by a distance, creating a cam profile. The followers are surface contact and cam profile for two rollers. As Cam turns, the fans follow.

8-Globoidal Cams

A globoidal cam is a blade, with a circular or elliptical diameter. This groove has been created by the machine and this groove is used to give the followers movement. A globoid cam is used to shake fans around a fixed location.

9-Spherical cam

The circular cam looks like a grooved circle. The player has surface contact with this groove. As the cam rotates, the follower oscillates about the fixed point.

Different cams according to follower movement

These categories classify the cams according to the speed of the player. The speed of the followers depends on this on the cam profile; Cams are also classified according to the speed of the followers.

1- Sit Up Sit Back Cut Sit Cam

In this attribute, the follower motion is considered. As the name follows the movement, it is done in such a way that it first settles down and then rises again, settles down, then comes back and settles down again. This process takes place in one rotation of the cam (360 degrees).

2- Condition Rise Return Residence Cam

In this attribute, the follower motion is considered. As the name suggests, the follower movement is performed in such a way that it first settles then rises, and then settles again. This process takes place in one rotation of the cam (360 degrees).

3- Rise Restore Cam

In this attribute, the follower motion is considered. As the name suggests, the followers are moved in such a way that they first rise and then return. This process takes place in one rotation of the cam (360 degrees).

4- Seat Rise Seat Cam

In this attribute, the follower motion is considered. As the name suggests, the follower is made to move as he first sits down and then gets up, and then sits down again. This process takes place in one rotation of the cam (360 degrees). And when it’s 360 degrees, it suddenly falls in first place.

Types Of Cam according to the limit of followers

For proper operation of the cam and follower mechanism, it is necessary to maintain surface contact between the cam profile and the follower throughout the rotation, and for each movement Spring force, gravity force and positive drive or utilized in the cam and follower mechanism. Based on this, cams are classified based on follower type, which is as follows.

1- Preloaded spring cams:

This cam uses spring force. The compression spring is mounted on the followers to maintain constant surface contact.

2- Positive drive cam: Positive drive cam:

This cam requires no external power. The actor is designed in such a way that it does not need any external force.

Different Types of Followers

There are differents kinds of floor contact among cam and follower and consistent with surface contact they may be labeled as follows.

  • Different followers according to size
  • Different followers according to movement
  • Different followers according to line of motion

Different followers according to size

1- Knife-Edge Follower: 2-  Roller Follower: 3- Flat-Faced Follower: 4- Spherical Follower:

1- Knife-Edge Follower

These followers have an active area in contact with the cam. This is the weakest of all the followers and such followers have not been used in high-speed tests, due to its sharp edges.

2-  Roller Follower

These followers are mainly used in high-speed applications due to their excellent contact with the surface. Compared to other followers, these followers don’t cost much.

3- Flat-Faced Follower

This follower looks like a flat one with an irregular cam. This cam is used when space is limited and these fans can resist side shots again. These followers can also be used in precision applications.

4-  Spherical Follower

This follower is an improvement on the flat-faced follower (described below), which has a wide circular area in contact with the cam.

Different followers according to movement

The followers in this category are classified according to the velocity and velocity between the cam and the follower These are as follows.

1- Translatory Motion Type Follower: 2- Oscillatory Motion Type Follower:

1- Translatory Motion Type Follower

Among these participants, the participants have semantic movement, ie. the cam rotates and the follower reacts in the middle of the guideline. Examples of these followers are knife-edge followers, roller followers, flat followers, and spherical followers.

2- Oscillatory Motion Type Follower

In these followers, the followers have oscillation motion. The cam rotates and the fans pass in line with the cam profile but the followers are fixed within the place approximately which the fans vibrate. These followers are called oscillatory motion-type followers.

Different followers according to line of motion

1- Radial Follower: 2- Offset Follower:

1- Radial Follower

In these followers, the drive line passes through the center of the camshaft. Basically, the movement of the player is in a row. The player is in reciprocal motion.

2- Offset Follower

In these followers, the movement of the follower axis isn’t always collinear with the cam axis.

Offset Follower

Mechanism Of Cam And Follower

What Is Cam Mechanism?

A cam is a rotary or sliding element in a mechanical linkage, used primarily to convert rotational motion into linear motion. It is usually a rotating wheel (e.g., an odd wheel) or a shaft (e.g., an irregularly shaped cylinder) that strikes a lever at one or more points along its spiral path part of the

The cam can be a simple tooth, such as for powering a steam rope, or a sophisticated wheel or other designs that allow for slow competitive movement of the followers, which is a lever with a cam is communicated

Cam timers are similar and were widely used to control electrical appliances before the advent of inexpensive electronics, microcontrollers, integrated circuits, programmable logic controllers and digital controllers (the electromechanical timer on the washing machine common Examples are)

In order for the cam-follower mechanism to work properly, the follower requires less input force during flight, which means the follower should not jam and should move smoothly

In an IC engine, the valves must be kept open; First, then close and keep closing, all these timing actions are easily set up with cam-follower devices. For interactions, we study planar linkages or two-dimensional linkages, and so on.

What Is The Follower Mechanism?

The followers are a mechanical part related to which the Cam rotates in an oscillatory or circular motion. The user prevents the push and pull of the cam. Followers are used to move the cannula into the required portion of the tube. The player moves around in an oscillating arc or circular arc.

The operator is either an interpreter or a vibrating mechanism that follows the motion of the cam. It can affect the outer shape of the cam or it can apply a spring load. It can have full speed or it can have full speed. Strong output motion can be achieved with the help of follower motion.

The toolkit for Cam and the toolkit for Followers are interdependent and therefore the main toolkit for Cam and Followers. This tool is technically important and has many functions for different devices.

Application Of Cam And Follower

A CAM is a mechanical rotator that provides continuous or oscillatory motion of another object known as a follower.

Cam and Followers have many applications as mentioned below:

  • Cams and followers are widely used to operate the inlet and exhaust valves of an IC engine.
  • These are used in wall clocks.
  • These are used in automatic lathe feed machines.
  • Screw the machine pieces together.
  • cutting machinery.
  • In Printing Machinery, this machine helps to print the screen. The push helps to move the printing surface and the pull helps to print on it.
  • This is the main mechanism in water treatment.
  • Also in Textile Types of machinery, Cam and Follower machines help in moving and sewing garments by pushing and pulling.
  • In that case, the system depends on water pressure.
  • Automatic devices, Cam, and Followers are used in automatic parts of movement.

Terminology Of Cam And Follower

When we study the cam and follower mechanism, some basic terms like prime circle, base circle, and pressure angle are utilized to describe the cam.

Terminology Of Cam And Follower
  • Cam Profile: The cam profile is the back of the disc cam.
  • Base circle: The base circle is small, drawn tangent to the cam profile.
  • Trace Point: A tracepoint is a point on the tracker, the tracepoint motion describes the movement of the tracker.
  • Pitch Curve: The pitch curve is the shape created by the tracepoint as the follower rotates around the fixed cam.
  • Pitch Point: The pitch factor corresponds to the factor of maximum stress.
  • Prime Circle: This is a circle drawn tangent to the pitch curve and parallel to the base circle.
  • Pitch circle: The circle drawn from the center of the cam and passing through the pitch point is called the pitch circle.
  • Pressure Angle: The pressure angle is the angle between the direction of motion of the follower and the normal pitch.

Advantages Of cam And Followers

The advantages of the cam and follower mechanism are as follows.

  • It is a simple mechanism that converts rotational motion into parallel motion.
  • With proper planning, any speed can be achieved by the aspirant.
  • This system can withstand high vibration.
  • Accurate and versatile.

Related FAQ’s

What Is Cam And Follower?

Answer: The cam and follower mechanism consists of a profile shape mounted on the shaft that drives the lever or follower. Rotary is converted into linear (reactive) motion by cam. As the cam rotates, the follower rises and falls in a reciprocal motion.

What is a Cam Mechanism?

Answer: Essentially, a cam is a rotating or sliding element in a mechanical linkage for converting rotational motion into linear motion. usually, part of a rotating wheel (e.g. eccentric wheel) or shaft (e.g. irregularly shaped cylinder) that strikes a lever at one or more points along its circular path

What is a follower tool?

Answer: The cam and follower mechanism consists of a profile shape mounted on the shaft that drives the lever or follower. Rotary is converted into linear (reactive) motion by cam. The driver engages the cam by means of gravity or a spring.

What is a cam?

Answer: A cam is a rotating unit that provides oscillatory or reciprocating motion to the user, which is in direct contact with another unit of this device.

What are followers?

Answer: A follower is a rotating or oscillating element of a mechanism that follows the direct touch of a cam.

Where are Cams and Followers used?

Answer: Cams are used to control valves in engines (where the valve is a follower), sewing machines, children’s toys, and many other appliances Individual Cams are sized to produce specific movements.

Does the cam help with performance?

Answer: Yeah. Changing the camshaft so that the cams move slightly forward or backward will change the performance of the engine. Fuel intake will open and close earlier to increase timing, improving low-end torque. Conversely, a slower cam improves higher horsepower at the expense of lower torque.

Does the cam affect the timing?

Answer:Depending on when the camshaft advances or decelerates from its original “zero” position, valve events occur sooner or later in the engine cycle Camshaft advance of four degrees will control each opening and closing action rotation four degrees faster than before.

What is the optimal cam duration?

Answer:Cam sizes with a timing of 195 to 210 degrees (measured at . 050˝ cam lift) are generally considered ideal for unmodified stock engines and those with computerized engine controls to reduce the intake vacuum timing beyond 210 to 220 degrees when Started.

How do the cams work?

Answer: A cam, in its simplest definition, is a mechanical linkage that converts rotational motion into linear motion, or vice versa. The cams of the camshaft achieve this displacement by rotation of the radial counterpart, and by a follower moving perpendicular to the axis of rotation.


The cam follower mechanism played an important role when used to move a simple one-minute segment. Central locks and ordinary locking systems are formed by the addition of a cam and follower mechanism. Various terminologies are integrated into the system which the user of the system must understand.

Cam and follower devices are no small piece of technology. Thus, the method applied in practice requires precision and patience.

A cam is a high-quality coupling device and therefore, should give the user some freedom to use the same with the device component. Finally, it may be recommended that the operator does not increase the pressure to prevent possible side effect effects.